Dear All,
We appeal to each of you to not forget about Egypt.
We are referring to all of you: employees, members of the Parliament, teachers, U.S. State Department employees, researchers, retired people, etc. to not abandon the Egyptian civil society.
In this harsh period of war in the Middle East, the international community should not forget its duty to condemn dictators.
The crisis in the Middle East is not only regional, but also global. The international community cannot continue to give credit to dictators, hoping that they will save the situation. The international community should not fall into this trap.
Mubarak is internally very weak, but has understood that he could have a chance to continue to rule if he could act as a mediator in the crisis in the region.
In fact, "act" is really the right word. Mubarak did not manage to reach any cease-fire. Why in the world, Hamas - the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood - should listen to one of its own enemies?
However, this part of the equation did not discourage Mubarak. He flew to Saudi Arabia and asked for help from the Wahabi, knowing that they have more power than he does. So now he is "cooperating" to find a solution, showing how "good" he is, covered by the Saudis and other times by the Jordanians.
The international community is scared of the Muslim Brotherhood and they think that keeping Mubarak will help the Middle East have a "secular State" and a "valid mediator in the region."
The international community is totally wrong. In this way, it is just destroying our beloved Middle East. Mubarak, who is now "acting" as the man of Peace, is a DICTATOR no less than Bashar el-Assad.
Mubarak is the man who jailed Saad Eddin-Ibrahim under fake accusations and let him be tortured. Mubarak is the man who jailed Ayman Nour under fake accusations and deprived his sons of having a father. Mubarak is the man who has thrown in jail 20,000 political prisoners. Mubarak is the man who orders the police to stop peaceful demonstrations in the streets and allows the beatings of teenagers, who are later raped in jail by Mubarak's security forces.
Is this a man of Peace? By supporting Mubarak, the international community is not only killing hope - especially in the younger generations - but such continued support to Mubarak will be translated into internal chaos, increasing protests, demonstrations, discontent among the population, anti-westerners and anti-Semitic feelings.
If the international community wants to change the situation in the region, it can start by freeing Ayman Nour. If the international community will not do anything, we have already advised you to not be astonished when you see young people, who have lost all hope, burning with hate against the west.
In the meantime, the Egyptian civil society will continue alone its fight for democracy and freedom, trying to save itself.