Wednesday, April 19, 2006

support Ayman Nour for democracy in the Middle East.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." -Edmund Burke

April 18, 2006

Imprisoned opposition leader investigated for "insulting" president, denied right to disseminate written material, told by prison authority to cease criticisms

Read this Alert

Call from Ayman Nour to All Human Rights Organizations
To: Human Rights Organizations
From: Dr. Ayman Nour, prisoner at the Tura Mazara'a General Prison
April 17, 2006

Read this Memorandum

Nour threatens new hunger strike in jail

17 April 2006

CAIRO — The jailed leader of Egypt’s opposition Ghad (Tomorrow) party will go on hunger strike if the prosecution does not improve the conditions of his detention, his wife and spokeswoman said yesterday. Read this Article
Egypt opposition leader Nour moves court against ban on writing

13 April 2006

CAIRO — Jailed Egyptian opposition leader Ayman Nour filed a petition yesterday accusing prison authorities of banning him from writing articles for his party newspaper, his wife said. Read this Article

Press Release
Ayman Nour and His Defense Make Serious Charges against
The Prisons' Authority in a Complaint to the Attorney General
Nour's Sons and Supporters Assaulted during Investigation at the South Cairo Prosecution

April 13, 2006

Read Press Release

Government punishes Nour for not “behaving”

April 13th, 2006 at 11:42am Ursula Lindsey

Al Dustour, an opposition weekly, has just run an article about the deteriorating conditions under which Ayman Nour is being held.

Dr. Ayman Nour is living this tragedy in a narrow room at the Tura Mazraa prison. He was obliged to choose to stop taking his medicine or using the hospital’s health care equipment for fear that he would receive an AIDS infection or be infected with the skin disease after the prison administration transferred four AIDS patients who had earlier been in isolation and three others suffering from scabies.[…] Read this Article

Egypt stops opposition leader Nour from writing, says wife

10 April 2006

CAIRO — Egyptian authorities have stopped jailed opposition leader Ayman Nour sending articles to his party’s newspaper, Nour’s wife Gameela Ismail said yesterday. “The prison authorities said he is not allowed to send written papers outside the prison anymore,” Ismail said told Reuters after meeting Nour in prison. “There is a decision to stop him from writing,” she said. Read this Article

Friday, April 07, 2006

Egypt's Chance for Democracy

At the end of December 2005, Dr. Ayman Nour was sentenced to five years imprisonment because he chose to run for President of Egypt, giving the Egyptian citizens a choice in candidates instead of the present one-man rule. Dr. Nour was arrested and tried for defending democracy, freedom, and political pluralism.

The West has been telling the world that democracy in the Middle East will be beneficial not only to the citizens of these Middle Eastern nations but to the nations of the world. Yet, few people are really committed to helping Dr. Nour.

Your support is needed for the birth of a true democracy in the Middle East as well as helping Dr. Nour in his struggle to bring real democracy to Egypt. The path for reforms in the region goes through his liberation. Please sign this online petition which is sponsored by Dr. Nour's wife, Gameela Ismail.

Please send letters to the Subcommittee on the Middle East and Asia asking that they recommend that no military aid be given to Mubarak. I sent 18 copies in one flat rate U.S. Priority envelope to Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Chairwoman of the Subcommittee, but realized after sending these letters by U.S. Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation, that I should have separately mailed copies of the letter to the Democrat members and Republican members of the Subcommittee as their addresses are different. After realizing my error, I telephoned Congresswoman's Ros-Lehtinen's office and was told that most likely she would see that each member of the Subcommittee receive a copy. Certainly, I was not politically correct, and hence, extended apologies to the young man who answered the phone and relayed my concerns.

Link to the letter for the Democrat m
embers of the Subcommittee:

Link to the letter for the Republican
members of the Subcommittee:

You will need to print out one copy of each of the above letters, write in or type your address, the date, then at the bottom of the letters, sign, and then type or print your name. Please make certain that you put your return address on the envelope as this ensures that the letters will be given to the Subcommittee.

March 15, 2006, Letter Sent to Subcommitte on the Middle East and Central Asia

March 15, 2006

Committee on International Relations
Subcommittee on The Middle East and Central Asia
U.S. House of Representatives
2170 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515

Re: Ayman Nour and Gameela Ismail

To: Madam Chairwoman Ileana Ross-Lehtinen
The Honorable Steve Chabot
The Honorable Gary L. Ackerman
The Honorable Thaddeus G. McCotter
The Honorable Howard L. Berman
The Honorable John Boozman
The Honorable Joseph Crowley
The Honorable Connie Mack
The Honorable Shelley Berkley
The Honorable Jeff Fortenberry
The Honorable Adam B. Schiff
The Honorable Jo Ann Davis
The Honorable Ben Chandler
The Honorable Mike Pence
The Honorable Dennis A. Cardoza
The Honorable Katherine Harris
The Honorable Russ Carnahan
The Honorable Darrell Issa

As an American I feel it a duty and as a human being a dire need to inform the members of this committee that the situation for Ayman Nour and his wife, Gameela Ismail, has become extremely grave. Although, I have occasional email contact with Gameela, I had to read an article in The Chicago Tribune to learn what is actually happening to her and Ayman. The Egyptian government has brought "charges" against Gameela and she is very concerned about being arrested as she has two children (a friend from that region has confirmed Gameela's concerns). This same friend informed me that Gameela cannot leave Egypt. Gameela mentioned she is undergoing interrogations. In a recent email Gameela requested, "please pray for us." Additional "new" charges have been brought against Ayman. Both are under extreme stress.

Ayman and Gameela are not only good friends to the United States, they are human beings who should not have to undergo the terror to which they are being subjected because they embrace democracy. Ayman and Gameela share profound bonds with the people of the United States–they cherish freedom and democracy. They have the same family values as each of us in this country hold dear and important. Please do not abandoned Ayman and Gameela. They have and are sacrificing so much to promote freedom and democracy in Egypt.

No member of this committee would allow their children to be friends with and support the thugs and bullies in their respective communities. Therefore, why do our leadership and representatives ask American citizens to support and be friends with thugs and bullies within the community of nations?

I have attached copies of some photographs taken from the website of Nora Younis, who is a freelance photojournalist. Ms. Younis gives blanket permission for their use as long as her website is mentioned. I suggest that every American who cherishes freedom and democracy visit that site as there are stunning photos of the citizens of Egypt struggles to become free. Here is the URL address to Ms. Younis' website: Ms. Younis photographed various demonstrations on the streets in Egypt. Additionally, on Ms. Younis' website, toward the lower right-hand side, one can find a link entitled Ayman Nour's Trial at the Minister of the Interior. As Ms. Younis points out, with all the security forces in place, one would have thought a terrorist was on trial, not a freedom loving reformer for democracy. It should be mentioned that Ms. Younis coordinated the production of a documentary tracing democracy in Egypt for PBS.(

It is the citizens of Egypt that we need to make friends–not their tormentor. How can we expect the citizens of Egypt to embrace us after Mubarak is out of office as our dollars (military aid) contribute (Mubarak's security forces) to costing them their God given right to be free–free from torture, free from imprisonment for no reason, a free press, and all the inalienable rights that freedom encompasses. The logic is, far better for the United States to have a nation of friends and not just one lone man who ruthlessly punishes those who love democracy and freedom.

As a taxpayer whose family roots go back to the American Revolution, Civil War (Union on all sides), and the World Wars, I must ask, why are we giving this one-man-rule leader of Egypt who is called president, but whose actions are those of a dictator, $1.3 billion in military aid?

How can we send our children to fight and die in Iraq in the name of democracy while at the same time provide funding to a government that has proven disdainful to our form of government (democracy)? If Mubarak was not disdainful to our form of government, he would never persecute and terrorize Egyptian citizens who cherish the principles of democracy and freedom as we do.

Without the $1.3 billion, Mubarak would not be able to finance his own form of terrorism (his security forces) on his own people. Terrorism is terrorism. There are no gray areas. Anyone who uses terror, torture, marshal law, flagrant disrespect for other's human rights and dignity cannot be and will never be supportive of our nation's values.

President Mubarak will not miss something he does not as yet have, e.g., Free Trade Agreement, but he would definitely miss the $1.3 billion in military aid given to them by the United States. Before Dr. Nour, there was Professor Saad Eddin Ibrahim. He was released only after the United States withheld supplemental funding to Egypt.

The citizens of the United States would not want to be used as a conduit to fund terrorism on the people of Egypt by funding such a dictator as Mubarak. Ayman Nour and Gameela Ismail are paying a high price because of Mubarak's personal insecurities as a human being. We in this country have always taught that competition is healthy and we have always encouraged it as it is a product of democracy.

For all the goodness and decency that we in this country hold in high esteem, please recommend withholding the $1.3 billion from Mubarak until Dr. Nour is released from imprisonment without further harassment and terrorizing. Withholding the military aid is the only thing that Mubarak will understand as his "friendship" is shallow and based only on our funding of his folly. It does not take a rocket scientist to see through Mubarak.

Withholding the military aid from Mubarak will reinforce the United State's firm stand for freedom and democracy in that region of the world. Respect for us by the citizens in that region will rise because we will actually be doing what we speak. Additionally, we, the average citizens, really the backbone of the United States, who work very hard to pay our taxes so that there can even be such aid to Egypt, will no longer have the values we cherish compromised by our leaders and representatives. No longer will we be forced to support and be friends with the thugs and bullies within the community of nations. Disrespecting democracy and freedom is disrespecting all people who cherish and have made great sacrifices to uphold these highest of ideals.

If our nation continues to support Mubarak and his son, the foundation on which this nation was built, all the sacrifices made throughout our history to keep this land free will have all been done in vain. We cannot sell our souls to dance with the devil and then expect the angels to sing–we cannot have it both ways. The heart and soul of any nation are its people, not its leaders. When this nation liberated European nations during World War II, it was the people who greeted our soldiers, not their leaders. Let us dance with the good citizens of Egypt, so we may be greeted as friends by them.

Please do not forsake Ayman Nour and Gameela Ismail.

Thank you for your kind considerations.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara C. Eaton